Amanda Goodman can now add ‘three-time Games athlete’ to her resume, and each year, since she began competing at the big show in 2013, she’s finished higher and higher—proving that hard work and smart training is paying off.

In 2013, she finished 35th; 2014, came in at 20th; and now, this year finally made her way into the top 10.

Amanda receives her daily programming from Coach James FitzGerald—completing whatever he throws her way, knowing that OPEX’s methodology is aimed at empowering individuals to become the best version of THEMSELVES they can be.

A dedicated athlete, Amanda re-located from the North East Region to the Southwest Region about a year and a half ago now, in order to train on-site at OPEX and fully immerse herself into our methodology (being part of a community that supports individual development and personalized programming).

Here, she sat down with us to break down her experience at this year’s Games and offer insight into what it takes to, not only train, but to hang, during a long weekend in Carson.

Q. How did you see your specific training and work this past year pay off?

Amanda: It’s actually the work of the past few years, but all of my aerobic training is finally surfacing. I have always been strong but to be able to have a 25th finish on a run event shows much improvement in my eyes.

Q. Favorite event(s) and why?

Amanda: My favorite events were the sprint course and the final two. I enjoyed all of those events because you had to be quick (it played a little more to my strengths). The sprint course just made me feel so athletic, dodging and jumping; It was a lot fun. The same can be said about the final two, there was a little more strategy involved, but no time slow down.

Q. What about the worst, most miserable or painful event(s) and why?

Amanda: I would say that DT was probably the most painful. Mostly because of the speed that was required to do well in the event.

Q. This year seemed like a blood bath out there for some of the workouts…what is your mindset like during a weekend at the Games to get through some of those workouts?

Amanda: The goal in each workout was to get to the finish line as fast as I could. The dynamics of those thoughts varied for each event, but the bottom line in my head was “GO!!”

Q. How did you recover between workouts?

Amanda: Depending on the time frame, I would throw on some compression, hop on the bike for a bit , maybe get some body work ( tape ), and then try to nap or lie down.

Q. What do your meals/eating look like during a competition weekend like the Games?

Amanda: Not many meals during competition. Breakfast and dinner are the bulk of my food intake. I would have a nice big breakfast everyday (eggs , bacon, potatoes , toast). If time and event format permitted I would have a sandwich or a banana in between workouts. I would finish off each day with a big dinner (rice, potatoes, greens, meat and of course a little dessert for my sweet tooth).

Q. How did you consult with your coach during the weekend?

Amanda: James would give me insight on how to best approach the events based on my abilities. We have been working together for a few years now so he has a good idea of what I am capable of.

Q. Where do you go from here?

Amanda: Now I am taking a little time off to get the body and mind back to 100%. Not too much time though because Grid is right around the corner. Training will soon shift gears so that I can be ready when my team needs me. As far as after Grid, that timeline has yet to be determined, but as of now I plan to return to training for the 2016 CrossFit season.

Q. What is your WHY? Why do you do what you do (compete)?

Amanda: I compete because I love it. I compete because I can. I love being in a competitive environment, surrounded by like minded people. It forces you to be better, if that’s what you want.

Q. How could athletes who were watching the Games this year benefit from an individualized coach, like you do, if they really want to compete?

Amanda: At this stage of the game, a coach is pretty much a necessity. A good coach can help you attack your weaknesses and highlight your strengths. Even if you think you know what’s best, an outside opinion is always helpful. It also allows you to focus all of your energy on being an athlete while leaving someone else to do all the paperwork.


