I had the best weekend—it was completely full and utterly fulfilling.  I completed phase 2 of a new corporate gym I’m setting up, packed and got ready to leave for Sweden, I trained and PR’d, made & ate really good seasonal food, hung out with a dear friend, read a book, listened to good music, slept well, supported Kent at the opens, took my daughter to volleyball, survived as she drove us home (she just got her learners), connected with old friends, had very philosophical conversations, played laser tag with my boys, went shopping, drove my kids to their activities at all hours, and had an extra teenager at my house for a grand total of 5 kids for the weekend.

Most importantly I enjoyed every second of it.

I’ve worked hard to align my life so that I could maximize the fulfillment I provide for myself and the  value I can offer others.  About ten years ago I was in a store and saw a picture that said: “If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.”  I didn’t realize how true this was at the time I read it, but it struck a chord and I found myself silently repeating it because in order to TRULY give, you must be able to receive.

Coaches are notorious for giving—training others and not themselves, paying their employees and not themselves, everyone else first.  If you give without filling up your own tank, eventually you’ll be empty and that leads to burn-out over time as you’ll be running on fumes.

A solid flow of energy has two perpetual components… giving AND receiving.

But here’s the rub… the things you find fulfilling may not match others definitions of fulfillment and you’ll find people telling you what you “should” do and how you “should” live your life.  I’ve taken my fair share of challenges from those around me who have questioned or judged what I do.  But at the end of the day, “I’d rather have the whole world against me than my own soul”.  That’s true alignment—when you know in your heart of hearts what works for you and all the voices on the outside are just background noise.

This weekend, one of my clients gave himself permission to buy gluten free bread for the first time and the flack he took for it at home was enough to question if it was worth it.  But he has goals for himself and he knows that a healthy strong body is something he finds great fulfillment in.  So, despite the noise all around him, he is learning to align his priorities with his behavior.

This sounds SO simple, but it really isn’t for most.  Stop and think about how many times you’ve told someone what they “should” do.  And stop and think about how many times you’ve been told by someone what you “should” do.  Most times when this happens, it’s very well intentioned as it’s coming from a place of someone wanting to help.  But what is often disregarded is the fact that the well intentioned advice may not truly be in alignment for you (or them).  Next time you feel the desire to tell someone what they “should” do, take a pause and ask if it’s for them or for you.  And next time someone tells you what you “should” do, ask yourself if this is in alignment with who you are and will fulfill you.

Some people will read about my weekend and resonate with why that could fulfill me.  Others will read that and be thankful that’s not their life.  In any case, I am thankful it’s my life and that I have given myself permission to align it in such a way that fulfills and energizes me.

Sharon Prete
CCP Coach

Function 4/1/15

Rest Day

Being 4/1/15

Hike 90-120mins unplugged recap on year of training and what direction you see yourself going for your future.

Will 4/1/15


Swim 30 sec @70%

rest on wall 30 se

x 15



AD 45 min EASY


She 4/1/15

Row 3k

Walk 20 min

AD 15 min EASY



