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How to Create Workouts for the Aerobic Energy System

Energy system training is a massive subject in the fitness and athletic development industry. While many coaches understand the basics of what energy systems training is, they have trouble with the application of this knowledge in the construction of a fitness program. Here are the basics of creating workouts for the aerobic energy system.

What is the Aerobic Energy System?

The aerobic system accesses a massive store of virtually unlimited energy. In simple biological terms, the aerobic energy system utilizes fats, carbohydrates, and sometimes proteins for re-synthesizing ATP (cell energy) for energy use like training or exercise. It’s a great deal more complicated, but this energy system uses oxygen as its primary fuel source.

This energy system can extend out work for hours. To simplify the understanding of this particular energy system, we use the term “sustain” to describe the activities performed by the aerobic energy system. An example of work that would be performed by the aerobic system includes low intensity but long-duration activities like a 60-minute row or long-distance running. Anything that is classified as aerobic is long in nature but low in intensity. In other words, the action is sustainable for long periods of time.

Before we move on, if you’d like to learn more about the basics behind Energy System Training, check out this comprehensive and free Energy System Training Guide created specifically for coaches.

Why Train the Aerobic Energy System?

  • Cardiovascular development

  • Pulmonary development

  • Muscular development

  • Patience

Aerobic or “sustain” training is centered around sustainable pieces of work over various time domains. There are great benefits to sustained work for the average person who is concerned with vitality. For example, improved immune system, improved cognitive function, improved digestion, and an improved disposition.

There are also great benefits for athletes who are on the pursuit towards elite levels of performance. For example, increased mitochondrial density, increased capillary density, improved fuel utilization, and faster recovery between intense pieces of work. The development of the aerobic system will always be a foundational aspect of any training program.

One final note, we at OPEX believe that the coach should emphasize aerobic or “sustain” training above all other energy systems. The rationale behind this is that a well developed aerobic base lends itself well to the other energy systems and training as it helps the client recover from an effort and work faster.

Sample Six Week Aerobic Workout Progressions

An Aerobic Rowing Workout

Week 1: 5x1000m @ 1:50/500m (2 minutes b/t)
Week 2: 5x1200m @ 1:50 (2 minutes b/t)
Week 3: 4x1500m @ 1:50 (2 minutes b/t)
Week 4: 3x2000m @ 1:50 (3 minutes b/t)
Week 5: Retest 2000m row
*1:50 split based off someone with a 6:40 2k PR

(Notes: This progression nearly keeps a fixed amount of distance per session, roughly 6000 meters of rowing. However, each week the pace is maintained but the distance is extended forcing the athlete to “extend” out his capacity at that pace. This all culminates with a 2000 meter row time trial on the fifth week.)

An Aerobic Running Workout

Week 1: 8x400m @ 1:20 (1:30 minutes b/t)
Week 2: 10x400m @ 1:20 (1:30 minutes b/t)
Week 3: 5x400m @ 1:20 (1:30 minutes b/t) + 10x200m @ 38-40 second (1 minutes b/t)
Week 4: 6x400m @ 1:20 (1:30-2 minutes b/t) + 12x200m @ 38-40 second (1 minutes b/t)
Week 5: Retest 1 mile TT
*1:20 split based off someone with a 5:20 mile PR

(Notes: Just as the other energy systems, you want to progress this by acclimating the client to more distance in their working sets. We see an increase from week one to week two followed by a repeated total distance during week three, however, half of the distances ran are in shorter increments at faster speeds. Week four has the same structure as week three but total distance is increased. This culminates with a one-mile time trial on week five.)

An Aerobic AirBike Workout

Week 1: 10 sets: 1 minute @ 10 minute Max Cal Ave RPM + 4, 1 minute walk
Week 2: 8 sets: 1:30 minute @ 10-minute Max Cal Ave RPM + 2, 1:30 minute walk
Week 3: 6 sets: 2:00 minute @ 10-minute Max Cal Ave RPM, 2:00 minute walk
Week 4: 4 sets: 3:00 minute @ 10-minute Max Cal Ave RPM – 2, 3:00 minute walk
Week 5: 2 sets: 5:00 minute @ 10-minute Max Cal Ave RPM – 2, 4:00 minute walk
Week 6: Retest 10 minute Max Cal on AB

(Notes: In this progression, we follow a similar pattern where we are extending out the work performed per set while also decreasing pace to accommodate for increased working time. Similar to the running and rowing progression, the athlete is completing nearly the same amount of total work per week. But, the two variables that are changing are the length of time per set and the pace at which it is performed.)

One crucial element to aerobic energy system training is that the effort needs to be sustainable. Hence the reason we call aerobic energy system training “sustain.” If you or the client are unable to maintain a specific pace, you need to stop the session. The point of aerobic sessions is not to get faster every round or burn out and lose pace, it’s to build the aerobic system by forcing you to maintain a very specific pace. This is the part in which many clients become frustrated and agitated at true aerobic sessions. It’s a type of patience that’s difficult to train and instill. However, the aerobic system builds the base for many other types of training and sport because the clients are better able to recover.

While most clients will spend the majority of their time in the aerobic system it is important to learn how to create progressions for the lactic and alactic systems. Learn how to develop progressions for the remaining all three energy systems as well as for general population clients and athletic seasons in our free guide Energy System Training.