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OPEX Coaches gamble on what the first workout of the OPEN Season will be

With the announcement of what the first workout will be only hours away, we thought we’d ask some of our veteran CrossFit coaches of what they think the workout may be.


CrossFit Open 18.1 Predictions

Head Coach Matt Springer

Open 18.1 is going to pull inspiration from a fan-favorite event of the 2017 CrossFit Games, “2223 Intervals”. Recall this event was held in the Coliseum on Sunday, where competitors had two-minutes to complete a series of rope climbs & SkiErg calories, followed by max overhead squats with any remaining round time. Rest and repeat.

The event was gut wrecking because the added rest actually made it MORE intensive. So, for the first time in the history of the Opens, we are going to see INTERVALS.

18.1 is
Four, 2-minute AMRAPs of:
12/9 Row calories
6 Burpee box jump overs (24/20″)
Max dumbbell thrusters (50/35 lbs) in remaining time

Rest exactly 1 minute between each AMRAP; The final AMRAP has it’s time cap extended to 3 minutes; Scored as total repetitions

Mike Lee

I believe that 18.1 will be a repeat of 17.1.


The new standards this year change the dynamic of the workout and potentially make it more challenging for some that need the step up burpee to pace, its highly capacity based. Another reason why is that Sam and Kristin are going head to head again and they are both known to have great engines.

It’s a simple test which shows general capacity increases from the previous year to show “improvements to fitness”.

Head Coach Mike McElroy

18.1 is going to be an exact repeat of 17.1. The girls doing the announcement show are the same girls that did it last year. Castro changed the standards on both movements so I could easily see him repeating this test and seeing how it compares to last year with the new standards.

Head Coach Matt Conolly

12:00 increasing ladder of:
4 Thrusters – 95#/75#
4 Toes to Bar
4,8,12,16…and so on
Thrusters and TTB are two of the most common open movements. Triplets and couplets are favorite in the Open, along with ascending ladders. Simple – but brutal.


What do you think the workout announced will be? Give us your predictions in the comments below.


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