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James’ FitzGerald’s Initial Thoughts on COVID-19’s Impact

James’ FitzGerald’s Initial Thoughts on COVID-19’s Impact on The Fitness Industry

At the time of writing this article in late March, COVID-19 is spreading throughout the United States and most of Europe. While some local governments have passed shelter in place ordinances, the full effects of this pandemic have yet to be seen. Here is how OPEX Fitness Founder, James FitzGerald, believes COVID-19 will impact society and the fitness industry.

It Will Challenge What We View is Important

Firstly, I believe that it will challenge society’s idea of what is important. As this crisis is focused on health and it brings about the question of one’s mortality, I believe that people will start to think critically about what really matters in their life. This will affect all walks of life including our fitness industry. I do not believe the entire world will suddenly be more  “woke” after four weeks in quarantine, but I do believe it could be the spark to some societal changes.

Changes to the Fitness Industry

As an industry built on social interaction I believe fitness will be dramatically impacted by this pandemic in three ways.

People Will Question Their Current Fitness

When faced with a worldwide pandemic, fitness consumers will question their current resilience and how they obtain that through fitness. This could lead to a change in the demand for different types of fitness that enhance resilience. 

It Will Highlight the Importance of Relationships

Relationships are a fundamental part of fitness. Sadly, in the digital age we’ve started to believe that technology can replace real human connection. I think that this time of social isolation will reiterate how much humans crave social interaction. Times like this will highlight the difference between a personalized offering that supports individual clients and a templated app workout delivered to millions.

It Will Challenge What is Means to be a Professional Fitness Coach

This pandemic will challenge what it means to be a professional fitness coach. It’s a sad reality, but many coaches will struggle to adapt to coaching remotely and may go out of business. Professional coaches with a system in place to deal with a transition to remote coaching will adapt well and be able to ride out these hard times. 

My heart goes out to all who are affected by these tragic times. This current situation is unnerving for everyone. That is why my team and I are here to support fitness coaches. During this time we are hosting free daily webinars and creating numerous free guides to help coaching businesses survive these unprecedented times. We have been teaching coaches how to work with clients remotely for more than 20 years and today our education is as timely as ever. Sign up for our free Professional Coaching Blueprint and start acquiring the skills you need to serve your clients remotely.